Technology for common internet user

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Enabling right click on sites that disabled it

Enabling right click on sites that disabled it

Lots of web sites have disabled the right click function of the mouse button... it's really, really annoying. This is done so that you don't steal (via right-click->save picture) their photos or images or any other goodies. Unfortunately, it disables ALL right-click functionality: copy, paste, open in new window.


It's easy to change, assuming your using IE 6:
Click "Tools"->"Internet Options"
Click the "Security" tab
Click "Custom Level"
Scroll down to the "Scripting" section
Set "Active Scripting" to "disable"
Click "Ok" a couple of times.

You'll probably want to turn this back to "enable" when your done... 'cause generally the javascript enhances a website.

Mozilla Firefox

1. Go to Tools tools> Options and select Web Options from the left panel.
2. You would see that Enable Javascript is checked by default. Uncheck it and click OK.
3. Right Clicking should now be enabled on websites that do not allow it.
4. If this does not work, you could disable java altogether from the check box in the same window.


1. Go to ->Tools>Preferences and select the Advanced"Tab.
2. From the left panel, select "Content"
3. You would see that Enable Javascript is checked by default. Uncheck it and click OK.
4. Right Clicking should now be enabled on websites that do not allow it.
5. If this does not work, you could disable java altogether.


posted by Anand Kumar Reddy at | 0 Comments

iPhone Ringtone Factory

iRinger creates free ringtones for your iPhone from virtually any music or video file you own. Even YouTube videos! iRinger exports ringtones to iTunes, so there is no need to "jailbreak" your iPhone. You will be creating ringtones in seconds. It's that simple.


posted by Anand Kumar Reddy at | 0 Comments

Make any song on your computer a ringtone on your iPhone

Make any song on your computer a ringtone on your iPhone

1. Add file(s) to your iTunes library.

2. Right click Get Info, then options tab.

3. Make the start time and stop time the duration of the ringtone you'd like to use (no longer than 40 seconds though). For example, if you'd like to use the first 40 seconds of a song, make the start time 0:00 and the end time 0:40. If you want to use from 1:40-2:20 then do it like that, just make sure you use whichever part of the song you want to be your ringer and also make sure it doesn't exceed 40 seconds. After you've selected which part of the song will be your ringer, click OK.

4. Right click the song, and click 'Convert Selection to AAC'.

5. Go to your desktop, and make a folder called Ringtones. Once you've done that, go back to iTunes, right click the newly created clip and click copy. Paste it in the folder you just made.

6. Rename the file from whateversongyoupicked.m4a to whateversongyoupicked.m4r (in order to see file extensions you might have to play with your settings a bit) (whateversongyoupicked is just the example, you don't need to change the name of the song, just the extension).

7. Go back to iTunes, and delete the 40 second AAC clip you've made, but be sure to keep the file!

8. Sync/Resync your iPhone, and it should automatically add the file to your ringtone folder.


posted by Anand Kumar Reddy at | 0 Comments

216 megapixel camera from Microsoft

216 megapixel camera from Microsoft

Microsoft has developed 216 megapixel camera. Microsoft has developed 216 megapixel camera.with a panchromatic image size of 14,430 x 9,420 pixels, capturing data at over 3 GBits/sec, 13 CCD's - 7 pan and 4 color (RGB + Near IR) and 14 CPU's to process the raw images and data in real-time. The data units for the camera hold 1.7TB, enough for about 4,700 images.


posted by Anand Kumar Reddy at | 0 Comments

Sleipnir 2.7 Free & fast browser

Sleipnir 2.7

Sleipnir browser is designed to be a highly customizable browser that you can configure to suit your individual needs. With Sleipnir, you can create your ideal browser by changing the design, skin, and visual appearance. You can also add custom functionality to Sleipnir with a wide range of plugins and user scripts. Users love Seipnir for it's unique blend of high-performance and customizability!

Perfect pages with the Industry-Standard Trident Engine
The vast majority of websites are designed for optimal viewing in Internet Explorer. Sleipnir uses the same Trident rendering engine as Internet Explorer, so it will display just about any web page perfectly.

It have tab browsing, more than one proxy configuration, RSS and other features. Wide choice of skins to suit your choice. Give it a try.

Installer version & Portable versions are available.


posted by Anand Kumar Reddy at | 0 Comments


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